Demonstrating the Difference Series

Adrian Rogers

R$ 20,00


It's been asked, "If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" You see, not only are we witnesses of Jesus—we are evidence of Him. Our lives are changed by the transforming love of Jesus, and others should be able to tell the difference as you are "Living By the Book." Learn how to let your life demonstrate the love of Jesus.

Demonstrating the Difference Series

Listen to this series anytime directly on our website.

Messages included:
2004 - How to Be a Good Friend
2270 - How to Build Stability into Your Life
2218 - How to Have a Sure Word in Difficult Days
2324 - How to Walk in the Spirit
2489 - Learning to Stand for Jesus
2001 - Making Friends Forever

Serie en ESPAÑOL

As we update designs, the series you receive may have a different cover, but the content is the same. Thank you for understanding.